Offizieller Name der Institution |
VINCO - Verein INterdisziplinäre COoperative |
(Für das Projekt) verantwortliche Person |
Karin Kräftner, Geschäftsführerin / General Manager |
Adresse |
Wiener Straße 60, 8605 Kapfenberg, Austria |
E-Mail |
Homepage | |
Hauptarbeitsgebiet(e) im Bezug auf Frühförderung (ECI) |
Vinco is a NGO-based Competence and Support Center providing primarily services for preventive assistance of persons with disabilities (focus: trans disciplinary intervention in children with disabilities).
Next to others Vinco provides training for learners with dyslexia. Specifically trained staff is available and also research experience within that field is present. Furthermore VINCO focuses on continuous education (=training processes for professionals, mainly in the field of dyslexia). |
Andere Projektaktivitäten (laufend bzw. abgeschlossen) mit Bezug zu ECI und ICF |
Was sonst noch wichtig ist und wissenswert über die Institution ist |
Vinco was operative partner within the project and strategic partner within project. Vinco runs national projects primarily in the field of language (e.g. "Multikulturelles Sprachprojekt Kapfenberg "- co-financed by EIF). |