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IKT-basiertes gruppenorientiertes Training in ICF(-CY)
Offizieller Name der Institution Comenius University in Bratislava - Faculty of Education - Institute of Social Studies and Therapeutic Education
(Für das Projekt) verantwortliche Person Prof. Marta Horňáková
Adresse Racianska 59, 813 34 Bratislava, Slovakia
Homepage http://www.fedu.uniba.sk
Hauptarbeitsgebiet(e) im Bezug auf Frühförderung (ECI) The Department of Therapeutic Education prepares professionals towards prevention, counselling, therapeutic and educational intervention for people with disabilities, or in challenging life situations at different age. It develops research, issues new results, influences public opinion and trends, regularly prepares conferences, and takes part in legislative and innovations of care.
Andere Projektaktivitäten (laufend bzw. abgeschlossen) mit Bezug zu ECI und ICF Comenius University – Department of Therapeutic Education was a partner in several projects concerning early childhood intervention: Kids Strenghts, Precious etc.
Was sonst noch wichtig ist und wissenswert über die Institution ist Department of Therapeutic Education was established as a part of the Institute of Special and Therapautic Education in 1967. With a break of its activities in the years 1981 - 1990, scientific research and studies in therapeutic education field have been developed. This field of study deals with education in difficult circumstances (threat due to defects in development, health and socialization), early diagnostics and intervention, development, support of mental health, consultancy, curative educational intervention, psychosocial rehabilitation and therapy regardless of age and diagnosis. It concerns accompanying and personal help for individuals in their orientation in the environment (fostering and support of perception and cognitive skills, living skills), acquiring necessary coping strategies, social integration and satisfying relationships and meaning in life. The department builds on the tradition and contemporary theory and practice of therapeutic education in European context. The department currently provides study programs in bachelor's and master's degrees in the field of study curative education.
Dieses Projekt wurde mit Unterstützung der Europäischen Kommission finanziert. © 2012-2024 by ICF-Train Project
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